Endless Beer: The Forbidden Traveler
ABV: 4.4 %
The brewery that brings us the Curious Traveler has unearthed new shandy ground with their Forbidden Traveler Apple Ale. Traveler aims to create a crisp wheat ale brewed with real apple. Contrary to its hard cider counterparts, the Forbidden Traveler looks to bring beer back into apple cider. The suds bring about mixed reviews. But no worries, we’re here to set it straight.
Flavor Profile:
Appearance: Hazy yellow with a bit of an orange hue.
Aroma: Sweet apple cider with wheat malt scents and even a little bit of lemon and spice.
Taste: Apple flavor up front and throughout. A mix between apple cider and apple juice. Wheat malts come through from beginning to end, but are more subtle than the apple. While the apple stands out, the beer flavors are there.
Mouthfeel: Crisp and clean with a smooth finish. Lingering sweet aftertaste.
Overall: If you drink this expecting the flavor of a hard cider, you are going to be disappointed. If you drink it expecting the flavor of a wheat beer, you won’t get it. This is not for the faint-hearted, but for the adventurists out there. While the brew has a low ABV, the sweet apple flavor is in your face with a challenge to open up your mind to a new kind of beer – apple beer!
Endless Rating: 3 out of 5 suds
Endless Pairings:
Cheese: Dry aged cheddar and maytag blue with honeycomb and apple slices.
Appetizer: Mushroom Soup or Butternut Squash Soup
Entree: Grilled pork chops with green beans and roasted sweet potato
Dessert: Caramel Apple Pie, Apple Crisp, or any other tasty apple desserts