Healthiest Chocolate Bar Ever?
In my neverending quest to find weird, wacky candies, I unearthed something surprisingly healthy last weekend: a quinoa chocolate bar!
Weird, right? They had it in the artisan chocolate section at my Central Market (which is basically the Texas local version of Whole Foods). I just had to buy it ($4.29) because I love quinoa, but also because I knew it would enrage the resident ES quinoa haters. In your face, haters! Made by Alter Eco Foods, this candy bar is objectively good. Seriously, if you didn’t know the crispy bits were quinoa, you’d just think it was a dark chocolate Krackel bar or something.
In all honesty, you’re probably not reaping more benefits from this bar than you would from any other dark chocolate (it has 2g of protein per serving, I don’t think that’s shockingly beneficial), but whatever—I like to pretend I’m being super healthy and responsible when munching on this bad boy. Plus it’s organic! What more do you need? Basically I just lost 5 pounds, lowered my cholesterol, and got my week’s worth of fiber by trying this new candy.*
*No, I didn’t, but whatever.
omg I’m so going to try this….I love quinoa! Sorry haters!! 😉
Does it have more calories than regular chocolate, since quinoa is so nutrient dense?
I think it’s about the same amount of calories as any other fancy chocolate bar. Like 220 for half a bar or something. I think I read that quinoa is SUCH a powerful superfood, its nutrients and benefits actually cancel out its calories, so the more you eat, the more weight you instantly lose.