Attack of the Oreo…Cocktails!
I’ve never been one of those people who can’t say no. I have no problem saying it.
{In school}
Can you copy my test? I think not.
Lunch money? Ain’t got none (clearly our school system is failing).
{As an adult}
Need help moving? I’m busy that day.
Oh, I also can’t help you paint your house. I got a thing.
Yeah, I can’t babysit your kid ’cause I don’t wanna.
Your birthday is coming up? I’m no good at cakes.
Also, I have given to a charity already this year, so not today, seedy people who approach me at the gas station.
Yeah, there’s a lot more stuff to say no to as an adult. But, when your co-worker of 5-plus years asks you to make some of your “very delicious Oreo truffles, pleeeaaasse” for her son’s wedding on a budget…sometimes you gotta suck it up and say yes.
Months go by and I’m dreading it and dreading it. Ugh. Today is the day. OK, so I’m gearing up to make a million truffles, but clearly I need to make a stop at the liquor store to get through this madness. I texted my brother updating him on my situation. Then he said the best thing ever.
“Alcohol is the key to life and truffles.”
Gosh, brothers are wise. He is clearly a genius (and single, ladies!)
Because I had Oreos on the brain, I simply had to pick up some Bailey’s Irish Cream and some chocolate vodka. Together, they are like a spiked, liquid Oreo cookie.
So, if you find yourself in a situation that involves life or truffles, this trio of Oreo-inspired cocktails is for you.
1. Cookies & Cream Iced Coffee
Strongly brewed coffee, cooled to room temperature
2 oz Bailey’s
2 oz chocolate vodka
Fill a glass with ice, pour the cooled coffee in until the glass is a little over half full, pour in the shots, then top with more coffee until the glass is full.
2. Cookies & Cream “Martini”
3 oz Bailey’s Irish Cream
3 oz chocolate vodka
Oreo cookies for the rim
Combine first 3 ingredients in martini shaker, shake it up and serve in martini glass with cookie crumbs on the rim.
3. Cookies & Cream Float
2 scoops cookies & cream ice cream
Diet Coke (or regular coke)
2 oz chocolate vodka
Scoop ice cream into a small-ish cup, pour in about ½ cup of diet cola and a shot of vodka.
For the record, no more weddings. Or truffles.
“Hungry monster” is Renee from http://
I LOVE the Cookies and Cream Martini. Yum! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day 🙂