Sure, as the weather heats up, soup probably isn’t the #1 thing on your mind. But maybe it should be! New Rochelle’s NoMa Social aims to put soup back in the spotlight this season thanks to this decadent sweet pea recipe they shared with us. While sweet peas are well and good, let’s be real: it’s the suggestion of white truffle oil and crab that really caught my eye.
I realize I talk a lot about my CSA box these days (side note: this is completely on my own volition, they do n-o-t sponsor my recipes or anything) but I will say that our most recent CSA delivery was especially good. We had… spring green beans! Big carrots! Beautiful red onions! Plus some of my favorite usual suspects: kale, cabbage, etc. After a long weekend of not-so-stellar eating, I was ready to devour these vegetables and get my life back on the right track… with a power bowl!
“Power bowl” is just my way of describing any giant bowl packed full of good-for-you components. Mostly vegetables, some protein, a small amount of good fats, and possibly a healthy grain (although not in this particular version), and some sort of flavorful homemade dressing/marinade. Basically as balanced and natural as you can get – meaning you can eat a huge amount of it and get tons of nutritional benefits without worrying about your portion size. I really like eating huge amounts of things, so this works out great for me.
Tamari-Roasted Spring Power Bowls
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Already waiting for spring. [Grantoftegaard Farm / Ballerup, Denmark]