The Brews of Summer: 100 Beers to Enjoy in the Heat

For those of you complaining about pumpkin beer and Oktoberfest releases coming too early, I bring you this masterpiece. Now you have 100 beers to choose from while you bask in the last month of summer. As per the top ten list, I defined a summer brew as: Wheats, Saisons, Wits, Pilsners, Pale Ales, IPAs, and fruity beers. Of course this list is NOT exhaustive. You should know that you will be able to go to any microbrewery near you and enjoy a summer seasonal. And I included microbreweries that may not distribute as well….road trip, anyone?

I leave you with this: “And I can tell you my love for beer will still be strong after the beers of summer have gone.”

You’re welcome.

Some people say cucumbers taste better pickled festina white-sun-wit-no-warning  curious-packaging
 SwingSS-fruits s-ipa-bttle22  All-Day-IPA-Poster-02-Full
 7_image_brooklyn-pilsner_large  lagunitas-a-little-sumpin-sumpin-ale summerfest-nodate2  SummerLove-Bottle
 kellerweis  60-minute-ipa
 beer_rb_prod  PMScaldis-bout-verre-241x400
 strawberry  bottledetaillargeporchrockerv2--en--82748a16-b61b-4111-95c7-4e8de783a4f9  sahtea

 2013-08-02_1339  Always-Sunny--300x198
 saison_0  longest-day-500x250
 timthumb  img.apa.lg  BlackEye_web  Devils-Backbone-Kilt-Flasher-Label
 StarrSaison_Bottle_Fixed1_thumb  3bottles
 blue-mountain-uber-pils 01-Dales-Pale-Ale-062510-lg
 beer_weizen-thumb-75  raspberrywheat_logo  farmhouse-400  woodycreek2013
dads-little-helper-label  row2hill56logo  TRADE_WINDS_v01
 sawtooth_ale_bottle_glass_548862380 (1)  White_Label  hopfive  beer-highway22wheatsmall
 berwick_ipa  final_stbc_2010 body labels_hopsun_b
 productpic (1)
 steam-bio  caferacer22  SummerSqueeze_Bottle_tab  Citra_Blonde_Summer_Webshot
 Blueberry-Belch-poster  Bottle120  cape northerLightsFixed
 summerlyte  sweetaction_front  goofyfoot_logo
 B&C  our_beers_SOLACE  SummerBeer-2013-Modal  SmmrAleCan_Drps_LRG-e1319817438847
 apollo_front  robot-surf-factory_web-large_transparent  st-lupe-bottle-glass  psblueberrylyte
 ind_bp_label_2xipa  american-amber-label  littlewhitelielogo  Victorian Secret
 Bottle90  a8bacd58-7288-4f6a-8873-d9bb852be99c  beer_pils-thumb-75  saison_logo
 she-monster_web_large_transparent  PILS  kolsch  bitteramerican_can-230x409
 bengali_front  melonheadlyte  tripel-detail  Gose_2013_WebProductPhoto
 racerx  summer-bio  productpic  ind_bp_label_pmx
 aud-blonde-v2  Hob_Label
brew_label_s_twilight Flying Dog Pineapple Saison 198x.preview  space-monkey-poster1

Missed one? Let us know what you would include!

All 100 Ways — 1,500 recipes and counting! — found here.



Top 10 Beers for Christmas

Put down the eggnog. I know you”re only drinking it because of some ridiculous tradition that started before you were even a thought. Okay, now that you”ve come to your senses, perhaps this is the year you drink and offer beer to your guests instead (not the kind that looks like piss). Even though I”m still having a hard time letting go of the fall seasonal beers, the winter has plenty to offer. I tried to pick a variety of winter seasonals ranging from dark stouts to spicy ales and lagers. There”s something for everyone! Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

*DISCLAIMER: This list is in no order. Try all ten, then decide what your favorite is!*

10. Sam Adams Winter Lager

(PHOTO: Sam Adams)

The Sam Adams Winter Lager is a tried-and-true brew that will not leave you disappointed. Sam Adams does lager well. They added a mix of winter spices and made the brew a bit darker (which makes it a tad bit sweeter in this case). The spices and the slight caramel flavor makes it an enjoyable fire to chug sip next to the yule log.

9. Troegs Mad Elf

(PHOTO: Troegs Brewing Company)

Just the name is enticing. Troegs Brewing Company has established themselves as one of the best craft breweries in the country. The Mad Elf and their Nugget Nectar have been my favorites for a while. Mad Elf packs a punch (11% ABV) and offers all the flavors I think of about Christmas: sweet, fruity, spicy. All packed into one swig that tastes great and gets you buzzed quick while dealing with that crazy family of yours.

8. Anchor Brewing Christmas Ale

We all know how I feel about this brew. Get a couple of six packs of this and put a couple bottles in the basement to compare to the next couple years” versions. The rest—drink with your friends and impress them with your knowledge of the brew!

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