Baking for Friends: Linzer Heart Cookies


With the Beyonce Bowl come and gone, it must be about time to start focusing on the next food-obsessive holiday on the calendar.

Yes, Valentine’s Day can be dumb, but it also can be an excuse to bake up some over-the-top deliciousness, right? One of our favorite New York-based bakeries, Tate’s Bake Shop, is here to share this recipe for Linzer heart cookies from their cookbook, Baking for Friends.

Anyone who has picked up Tate’s crazy-crispy chocolate chips at a store around NYC understands that these folks know how to do cookies right. And, if you’re in need of a V-day gift, hop over to Tate’s website and get 20 percent off any cookie-centric just for being an ES-er. Use the code BLOG213 at checkout.

Tate’s Bake Shop Linzer Heart Cookies

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Endless Poptails: Limoncello and Raspberry Whiskey Sour

Sometimes I’m so over myself, not in the teenage angst or a depressive sort of way. Just over the madness and procrastination I create from going from frenetically over-committing to complete laziness. This poptail was slated for Wednesday, then Thursday, now it’s Friday — apologies BS. But here’s the thing: when it comes time to deliver I give it my best. I never half-ass shit. This doesn’t always work out so well, since if it flops — well, I’m dead against the wall. But sometimes, like this time, it works out well in the most awesome way.

I know bragging is not en vogue, but I’m not bragging. I threw together some flavors and booze and the ingredients did the rest by blending and playing well with one another. The whiskey evens out the bite of the limoncello, especially if you buy storebought limoncello that can sometimes taste like cough syrup.  The raspberries provide a tart balance to the sour lemons and it makes for one cool floating layer. That’s right, you can make this with the raspberry layer floating since its lighter in volume than the limoncello layer.

Oh, and no sticks required, for this poptail. It’s Have Your Way Friday – yeah, for real. No bullshit, okay, kinda  – excuse the snypatic misfire of my brain. I lamed out and forgot them. Sticks or not – these are still totally edible! Cheers!

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Booze Bites: Royal Velvet Jello Shots

Ever been in a mood when you can’t decide whether what you need is a snack or a cocktail? We’ve got you covered. Our new series, Booze Bites, is for those times when what you need is something tasty…and drink-y. We’ll be bringing you boozy marshmallows, pudding shooters and  Jell-o shots.

To get things started we are featuring a Royal Velvet Jello Shot. Set against a raspberry backdrop, the whiskey comes through strong but is mellowed out by the sweetness of Chambord.

Now that you know what we will be consuming for our next happy hour, we want to know what you would like for yours. Order-up and leave us a comment letting us know if there is a drink you want to see turned into any one of our three boozy bites.

Royal Velvet Jello Shot

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Endless Poptails: Caipirinha Popsicle

We’ve been keeping things simple, easy and familiar here with our Poptail series. But this week we are inviting a less familiar boozy guest, cachaca.

Start digging in the couch cushions and under the car seat like we did for spare change. You need this pure sugar cane rum in your life. More to the point, this is a must-try sweet and tart Poptail made easy with a limeade body,  raspberry sweetness and a sour punch of kumquats.

Now for a little housekeeping.  We’ve decided that since we still have a few orders to fill, we’re extending the Poptail series past what some people tell us is the end of summer. But not forever! Holla your order now or wait until next year for your Poptailing dreams to come true.

Raspberry and Kumquat Caipirinha Popsicle

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Endless Poptails: Lychee Sakitini


We might be breaking some sake sipping code here by freezing it. But, you’ve come with us this far into the series, why not continue down the rabbit hole where fantasies of Poptails freeze to reality.

This week we are getting cool and cozy with sake, some Lychees, a little bit of honeydew (to give the poptails more body for the sake to soak into) and a few raspberries for a garnishing finish. Wait a few hours and the pay off is there on stick. Enjoy!

Lychee Saketini Poptail


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