Endless Poptails: Mango Maui Mai Tai

Mai Tai Poptail Popsicle_Endless Simmer

Now that we’ve been blending and freezing poptails for a few weeks we decided it was time to open up the….er bar, and put your requests to work.

First up is the Mai Tai.  Poor Trader Vic, here is yet another iteration on his classic creation. We figured everyone has been getting bastardly with his drink, that well, we need one to claim as our own.

We started with a Maui Mai Tai, from there we stayed true to keeping our poptails budget friendly by skipping the orgeat and kicking up the sweet and sour combination by going au natural with some fresh fruit. What we didn’t skip: the rum, more accurately, the three rums.

Mix. Lick. Enjoy.

Mango Maui Mai Tai


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