The Brews of Summer: 100 Beers to Enjoy in the Heat

For those of you complaining about pumpkin beer and Oktoberfest releases coming too early, I bring you this masterpiece. Now you have 100 beers to choose from while you bask in the last month of summer. As per the top ten list, I defined a summer brew as: Wheats, Saisons, Wits, Pilsners, Pale Ales, IPAs, and fruity beers. Of course this list is NOT exhaustive. You should know that you will be able to go to any microbrewery near you and enjoy a summer seasonal. And I included microbreweries that may not distribute as well….road trip, anyone?

I leave you with this: “And I can tell you my love for beer will still be strong after the beers of summer have gone.”

You’re welcome.

Some people say cucumbers taste better pickled festina white-sun-wit-no-warning  curious-packaging
 SwingSS-fruits s-ipa-bttle22  All-Day-IPA-Poster-02-Full
 7_image_brooklyn-pilsner_large  lagunitas-a-little-sumpin-sumpin-ale summerfest-nodate2  SummerLove-Bottle
 kellerweis  60-minute-ipa
 beer_rb_prod  PMScaldis-bout-verre-241x400
 strawberry  bottledetaillargeporchrockerv2--en--82748a16-b61b-4111-95c7-4e8de783a4f9  sahtea

 2013-08-02_1339  Always-Sunny--300x198
 saison_0  longest-day-500x250
 timthumb  img.apa.lg  BlackEye_web  Devils-Backbone-Kilt-Flasher-Label
 StarrSaison_Bottle_Fixed1_thumb  3bottles
 blue-mountain-uber-pils 01-Dales-Pale-Ale-062510-lg
 beer_weizen-thumb-75  raspberrywheat_logo  farmhouse-400  woodycreek2013
dads-little-helper-label  row2hill56logo  TRADE_WINDS_v01
 sawtooth_ale_bottle_glass_548862380 (1)  White_Label  hopfive  beer-highway22wheatsmall
 berwick_ipa  final_stbc_2010 body labels_hopsun_b
 productpic (1)
 steam-bio  caferacer22  SummerSqueeze_Bottle_tab  Citra_Blonde_Summer_Webshot
 Blueberry-Belch-poster  Bottle120  cape northerLightsFixed
 summerlyte  sweetaction_front  goofyfoot_logo
 B&C  our_beers_SOLACE  SummerBeer-2013-Modal  SmmrAleCan_Drps_LRG-e1319817438847
 apollo_front  robot-surf-factory_web-large_transparent  st-lupe-bottle-glass  psblueberrylyte
 ind_bp_label_2xipa  american-amber-label  littlewhitelielogo  Victorian Secret
 Bottle90  a8bacd58-7288-4f6a-8873-d9bb852be99c  beer_pils-thumb-75  saison_logo
 she-monster_web_large_transparent  PILS  kolsch  bitteramerican_can-230x409
 bengali_front  melonheadlyte  tripel-detail  Gose_2013_WebProductPhoto
 racerx  summer-bio  productpic  ind_bp_label_pmx
 aud-blonde-v2  Hob_Label
brew_label_s_twilight Flying Dog Pineapple Saison 198x.preview  space-monkey-poster1

Missed one? Let us know what you would include!

All 100 Ways — 1,500 recipes and counting! — found here.