Dessert for Breakfast: Coconut Raspberry Chocolate Muffins

Coconut and Raspberry Chocolate Muffin

When I’m testing a recipe I pretty much enlist anyone with teeth. That includes my spinach-loving toddler, who somehow doesn’t really like baked sweets. But when these came out of the test oven I got a big pass from him. And for those of us who are tall enough to ride a roller coaster, I can confirm this is a chocolate breakfast affair that you don’t want to pass up.

My judgement is that anything healthier than a donut is OK to eat for breakfast. And to make these even….um…healthier, the muffins are packed with coconut and whole raspberries, so if you eat enough of them you can almost meet your USDA fruit recommendation for the day. How’s that for morning glory!

Coconut Raspberry Chocolate Muffins:

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I Mention Rachael Ray in this Post


The Jewish calendar is lunar and therefore Passover can land anywhere between the end of March to the end of April. My birthday is at the end of March, my mom’s birthday is at the beginning of April and my sister’s birthday is at the end of April so it’s a always a hold your breath moment to find out who’s birthday will take place during this dreaded no-bread, no-cake, no-ice cream, no-soft pretzel eight day stretch.

This year it’s so early that this spring themed holiday can’t feature the season’s produce. We usually serve asparagus, but this year we still had to rely on winter’s hold overs. I’m a bit tired of winter squash, as is the rest of the Northeast, I’m sure.

With Passover, though, I wanted to think of something slightly new. Maybe not in flavor, but in form.

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