Endless Poptails: Melon Berry Diablo

When someone tells you your food is “interesting,” is that the equivalent of being told you look homely?

It’s a shitty statement to make about someone’s food. And I had a pissed off look to follow after being told my cocktail popsicles were “interesting.” Maybe I’m too defensive—I know food is subjective.  But I still felt like shoving this popsicle in the guy’s face and asking him how interesting that way.

What he labeled interesting was this tequila-based, honeydew-body popsicle, which is  mixed with ginger beer and softly stirred with a raspberry cassis syrup, turning the classic Diablo cocktail into an Endless Simmer Poptail classic that is anything but just  “interesting.”

Melon Berry Diablo Poptail

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Endless Poptails: Lychee Sakitini


We might be breaking some sake sipping code here by freezing it. But, you’ve come with us this far into the series, why not continue down the rabbit hole where fantasies of Poptails freeze to reality.

This week we are getting cool and cozy with sake, some Lychees, a little bit of honeydew (to give the poptails more body for the sake to soak into) and a few raspberries for a garnishing finish. Wait a few hours and the pay off is there on stick. Enjoy!

Lychee Saketini Poptail


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Endless Poptails: Cucumber Honeydew Margarita Popsicles

Grab some popsicle sticks, get the tequila and leave the drunk dialing to others. We’re turning our tequila shots into a frozen Honeydew Cucumber Margarita.

But before your fingers start strumming your keyboard with inquiries as to whether or not the alcohol portions are strong enough, let us save you time and say, maybe it is, but then again maybe not. Luckily poptails are highly adaptable. Your palate, your preference — pour and mix your poptail to suit your taste. Just remember there’s a reason alcohol won’t freeze alone. Stiff drinks are meant to be consumed by the glass, not by the bite. Our proportions here err on the side of tasty over tequila-y.

Next time you’re tasked with bringing something to a party, let us suggest a tequila’d poptail that won’t leave you fearfully scrolling through your call history the next morning.

Honeydew Cucumber Margarita Popsicle


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