Valentines Peeps Products

Two of Hearts: Ultimate Valentine’s S’mores

The best thing about Easter — PEEPS! — is now the best thing about Valentine’s Day! A few weeks ago, a box of glory appeared on my doorstep. A box full of VALENTINE’S PEEPS. Oh, yes. It was ON. (And by “it,” I mean “intense sugar highs and almost immediate sugar crashes.”)

Take a glimpse of the offerings:

Valentines Peeps Products

Chocolate Mousse teddybears, Strawberry Creme hearts, Vanilla Creme hearts, regular marshmallow hearts, sugar-free hearts, and Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry chicks! My favorites are the Vanilla Creme and Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry.

So, what to do with all these marshmallows? There’s an obvious answer here: s’mores.

Recently, one of my (GENIUS) coworkers mentioned an awesome trick: instead of using a regular ol’ Hershey bar in your s’more, use a Reese’s Cup to add some peanut buttery goodness. What?! Mind. Blown. Lucky for me (and you!) Reese’s makes heart-shaped candies for Vday. This is some heart-on-heart action.

Peeps S'mores

Peeps S'more Reeses

I mean… I don’t even know what to tell y’all about this. It’s so simple. The answer was there all along. REESE’S CUPS. I made mine with a Vanilla Creme Peep (because I love me some vanilla + PB) and it was heavenly. (By the way, no shame in using a microwave on this guilty little pleasure… it’s way too cold to be messing with a backyard bonfire this winter.)

SIX Layer Cookie S’mores Bars


You know how we like marshmallows. And chocolate. And peanut butter. And sweets. Well, ML invited the fiance and I to a dinner party and requested that we provide the desserts. We wanted something quick and easy, but something complicated that will make you go “whoa.” The interwebs weren’t giving me a “whoa” AND quick and easy. Onward to the cookbook library and I found this recipe in Peanut Butter Comfort.

Thank goodness I own a cookbook dedicated entirely to peanut butter. Really. It came down to three recipes in the book, and believe it or not, this one was the easiest. It paid off. Once the oozing marshmallow-stuffed, graham cracker-wedged, chocolate bar and cookie sandwich came out of the oven, the fiance and I just stared, smelling it and salivating at the finished product.

I started wondering which was was best to serve it. Hot or cold? Do I want gooey marshmallow and chocolate to end up in my man beard for later enjoyment? Or do I want to enjoy the crunch of the hershey bar in the middle of the cookie, surrounded by peanut butter and marshmallow? If hot—a la mode? Is ice cream necessary on top? Or is it going to be just as good without? We went with serving warm. The verdict: dog ear that son of a bitch, because we’re doing this again. It’s settled.

Peanut Butter Comfort’s Six Layer Peanut Butter S’mores

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