Getting Competitive: Sweet Cherry Pie

Hi everyone — I’m Jessica from Feastie, and a huge fan of Endless Simmer, so I’m excited to chime in on all things food over here. In spite of my newly discovered love of pie, I’m a big fan of healthy eating and cooking. But no low-fat pie — that’s just wrong.

I’m currently in a hot and heavy love affair with pie. I wasn’t exactly deprived pie as a child, but our family tended to favor the cobbler or crumble – i.e. NOT pie. Don’t know why. In any case, I have a vague recollection of trying an apple pie or lemon meringue pie as a little kid, but until I was in my mid-20s, I had no idea what I was really missing out on. Cherry pie?! Seriously?! It’s like heaven in a crust. I feel robbed of all those pies that never came to be at our Thanksgiving table – so I’m making up for lost time in a big way.

I’m going big. In the last two summers, I’ve entered two local pie contests. If you’ve never participated in such an event, I can honestly tell you it’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. This summer there were 35 entries in the contest, ranging from chocolate cream pies to traditional peach and apple, even fig. I went traditional with a twist – I entered a sweet cherry pie, as well as a pear vanilla bean pie with a pecan crumble.

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