Now This is a Pudding Pop

White Russian and Black Russian Poptail

Since it’s a short work week, we thought we”d celebrate with a twofer, by filling your requests for both a White Russian and Black Russian Poptail in one post.

We used homemade pudding as our base for the cocktail-turned-popsicle. For those of you who need your Poptail STAT — find your quick fix by using a small box (3 1/2oz) of instant pudding. Keep in mind that whatever variation you use, they won’t release as easily as some of the other poptails,  so if the popsicles come out with a few rough edges, get busy and start licking.

Now for the non-sequitur of the day. . . We’re opening our test kitchen up for the upcoming spooky day celebration. Have a Halloween cocktail or idea you want to see Poptail’d? Shout it in the comments.

White Russian Poptail

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