Endless Cocktails: Almond Joy
On occasion, my wife and I like to pretend we are well-to-do snobs that get bored easily with all the money we have. We are lucky enough to be surrounded by various wineries, so we go every now and then for tastings (and always end up buying some wine). One weekend while at the shore, we stopped at a place in South Jersey. They had all kinds of different wines and an almond wine particularly “struck our fancy.” We were both surprised by how much we liked it. Additionally, the winery advertised that it goes very well in anĀ Almond Joy Cocktail. BONUS.
We’ve been saving it for a time that others will enjoy it, knowing that neither of us will be able to kill a bottle of Almond Joy solely by drinking Almond Joy Cocktails. That day finally came. Almond Joy Cocktails all around! While I didn’t think it tasted exactly like an Almond Joy, others did. I did taste all components, just not as an Almond Joy. Maybe it is because I have a such a refined palate…yes. Anyway, try it out for yourself and let us know what you think!
Almond Joy Cocktail
2 parts almond wine
1 part coconut rum
1 part chocolate liqeuor
Add all ingredients to a mixer. Add ice. Shake well. Pour into the fanciest and prettiest cocktail glass you have. Call it your own recipe. Impress your friends.