Important Prep for International Bacon Day
Breaking news! We really like bacon. I know, I know, you’re tired of hearing about it. But I mean, it doesn’t get any less good. Just when I think I’ve hit maximum bacon saturation, I go and discover something new like bacon paremsan knots over on our Endless Bacon Pinterest page.
International Bacon Day is coming up (yes, that’s a thing…obviously!) on August 30, and we’re helping one lucky ES-er get ready by giving away a free Farmland Bacon Club prize pack that will include two packs of Farmland Bacon varieties and Bacon Club goodies, such as a t-shirt, pin, baseball hat, pin and more!
In summation…free bacon! To join in, just post your best bacon-y photos on twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest with the hashtag #endlessbacon. We’ll pick one lucky winner next week.