Apple Bourbon Pulled Pork Stuffing
If you ask me, it is NOT a holiday meal without stuffing. Nothing says celebration like cooking some old bread up with an unreasonable amount of butter and fatty meat. Honestly, I don’t even care if we have a bird. Whether it’s turkey, goose or even ham on the Christmas table, I’m expecting stuffing on the side.
And this year I’m pretty proud of my new invention: stovetop stuffing amped up with apple bourbon slow-cooker pulled pork, walnuts and apples. YEP.
Apple Bourbon Pulled Pork Stuffing
So the genesis of this dish is that I had some Apple Bourbon BBQ Campbell’s Slow Cooker Sauce. First step: threw it in the slow cooker along with a nice hunk of pork tenderloin and went to work for the day. By the time I got home, the pork was filled with apple-y bourbon-y goodness, and easy to pull apart.
I took a package of stuffing-ready bread crumbs that I found at our local organic market–you could use the Pepperidge Farm kind, or just start with your own, slightly stale, bread.
Then I sauteed up four tablespoons of butter and added the bread, along with a cup of walnuts and a diced apple. I added a few cups of chicken stock, just enough so it could simmer, then cooked it all up for about 15 minutes. Voila: a kind of cheating, but super-delicious, almost-instant “stuffing.” Then of course, I added my pulled pork to the stuffing mix.
You could put the whole thing inside a bird and keep cooking it, or as I did, just serve it as the main course of your meal, with a little BBQ sauce drizzled on top. Either way, it’s a delicious method for sneaking some BBQ meat onto the Christmas dinner table. Now it’s a holiday!
This post brought to you by Campbell’s Dinner Sauces. Weekend-worthy dinners with only weekday-level effort needed! Learn more at http://www.campbellsauces.com/