Friday Fuck Up: Ricotta, Don’t Fail Me Now!
Yes, I realize this is a gorgeous plate of pasta. Whole wheat noodles, swirling high, bombarded with thick rods of asparagus and topped with green garlic and grated parm. But what are those darn clumps of white? Fucking ricotta.
I bought a tub of ricotta from the far mar (although you can apparently make ricotta yourself) for my strawberry ricotta sticks, and wanted to use the rest of it up quick. I thought a creamy ricotta based sauce would be fantastic for my spring pasta medley. Well, ricotta doesn’t really melt. Or smooth out. Or blend in. It just kinda forms into these lumps of cheese. I tried to let it absorb in the pasta cooking water. I added more butter than I care to admit. And still nothing. Blobs of ricotta.
The meal in its entirety still tasted good, but not what I had envisioned. Is it even possible to turn ricotta into a sauce? Please help me not fuck up again!
I’m currently working at a cooking school in Sicily, and we make ricotta cream all the time (both savory and sweet). You have to make sure to drain it really, really well– 2 days is best, and press it whenever possible to get a mass that will stand on it’s own. Then just mix with a spoon in a bowl and pass through a fine mesh strainer (adding sugar, of course, if you want to make sweet ricotta cream). That’s it!
What’s wrong with DELICIOUS clumps of Ricotta ? ! ? ! That’s what caught my eye because “clumps of cheese”=YUMMY GOODNESS ! ! Don’t smooth out that sauce, put more Ricotta. Gotta give LOVE to the CHEESE.
i think it sounds good.
I think it looks pretty yummy…clumps and all.
My favorite dish is ww pasta with butter, parm and asparagus, the riccotta would add some amazing texture. The clumps look delish !