Stove Top is the Un-Potato: Stuffing Shepherd’s Pie
One of the first things I ever learned to cook was Stove Top stuffing. When my college roommate and I discovered Stove Top, we could not believe how easy it was to basically replicate the stuffing that our moms took so many hours making on Thanksgiving. Culinary skill-less as we were, even we could figure out how to boil water and butter in a dorm room hot pot, add stuffing mix, and fluff with a fork. Actually, I still haven’t figured out exactly what the last direction means, but I digress.
While I still make Stove Top for a late-night snack now and again, I’ve often wondered why it so rarely shows up as an ingredient, aside from the odd post-Thanksgiving stuffing pizza. But why not? I can think of many a meal that could stand to benefit from a tasty bread-and-butter mixture poured on top. First case in point: shepherd’s pie. While this is one of my childhood favorites, I barely make it myself because it’s such a pain to have to boil and mash potatoes before you even really get started cooking. Of course it’s great if you have leftover potatoes, but…I rarely find myself with leftover anything. So my newly invented version of shepherd’s pie subs out the potatoes and replaces them with a thick coating of stuffing. Give me one good reason why not.
Stove Top Stuffing Shepherd’s Pie
Makes four individual servings.
Dice 1/2 onion and sautee in butter with two diced carrots until onions are golden. Add one pound of ground meat (traditionalists will say beef; I went with leaner turkey; I’m sure lamb would be great, too). Cook until meat is browned.
Add one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and one cup beef broth (or match the broth to whatever meat you’re using). Turn down the heat and let this simmer while you prepare four cups of Stove Top stuffing according to the package directions.
Scoop meat mixture into ramekins, Pyrex or cooking vessel of choice. Spread stuffing across the top. Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes. Enjoy.
While I was excited about this dish from the moment I conceptualized it, I honestly was afraid I might miss the mash. I didn’t. The crispy, butter-y stuffing worked perfectly as a complement to the meatiness on the bottom, and is just way more exciting than plain old potatoes. Who needs spuds when you’ve got stuffing?
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