Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week
– We thought Sweet Fiend had made the ultimate All-American recipe when she dreamed up chocolate and beer filled donuts, but reader Jim takes it to an even higher level:
I making these today with this beer.
It’s a chocolate Ale from Kansas City. If you can find it I highly recommend it.
Ahhh. Chocolate and chocolate beer filled donuts. Bravo.
– TheGourmetCoffeeGuy isn’t running out to buy a bananza brand automatic banana peeler:
Personally, I prefer to peel bananas the old fashioned way, with my fingers and my hand. It really is easy and so far it has worked for me …
Hey, to each his own. Personally, I’m on the market for a second home to house my unitaskers.
– And Walden Farms’ whipped peanut spread is the official ES punching bag of the week. Borracho:
I love that Sodium Benzoate is there to “preserve freshness” I did not realize freshness was vital when your product consists solely of chemicals which will last through the apocalypse. You wouldn’t want your cellulose gum to lose it’s vibrant edge.
This is exactly what was making my grocery shopping trips take over an hour each time. Once I decided to stop buying crap like this it cut the shopping time in half.
Seen a food product with not nearly enough food in it? Let us know.
nice work on the times travel nod to 11th street.
thanks Melissa!
Dang, reader Jim is my new beer hero!