Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week
Most of the chatter this week was concentrated in forkitude‘s Ode to Staub:
This thing was a culinary tool workhorse. A Clydesdale of cookware. The creme de la creme of enameled cast iron.
However, not everyone is on team Staub.
Brit showed off his Le Creuset collection:
I’m the proud owner of a Le Creuset grill pan and press, 7.25qt dutch oven, 2.25qt saucier and a 3.5qt casserole all in black with stainless steal knobs and I couldn’t be happier (I didn’t need to list them all but I thought I’d make you weep).
BS’s Mom showed off Le Creuset’s longevity:
I got two Le Creuset pots for my wedding (do children still give their parents a round-the-world trip on their 35th anniversary?)
(And BS pines for his mother’s cookware.)
But Scott Reitz reminded us of Le Creuset’s hard-to-deal-with return policy:
I know the company has a great replacement program but it’s hard to care. Boxing, and shipping, and waiting is a chore. What I need is cookware that holds up in the first place. Or a store front that’s willing to accept exchanges indefinilty.
But both Yvo (enjoying the rooster on top of the handle) and Belmontmedina (tighter seal, dots for braising) praised Staub, so we’re still not sure what brand will receive the Endless Simmer enameled cast iron award.
And if you’re a representative for either company, yes, you can send me samples and I will declare a winner. Email me for my postal address.
(Photos: Staub and Le Creuset)