Feed Us Back: Spooky Comments of the Week

zombie cake

– So we thought we had found the Top 10 best Halloween cakes last year, but then Paul Joachim goes and points us towards the Zombie Dog Cake, which pretty much blows everything else out of the water. A-freaking-mazing. Thanks for the link, Paul.

– ESers were quick to defend the Taco Bell hot sauce costumes on our Top 10 Worst Halloween Costumes list, but there was much less love for poor Broccoli Roberta. dan:

so… I’m being broccoli this year, but I SWEAR my costume is gonna be 10 times better than that one! I saw that one yesterday actually when I was trying to figure out how to make mine. There are some terrible broccoli costumes out there.


Do people even know what broccoli looks like?

– Whatever broccoli costume you decide to go with this year, be sure to check out Endless Simmer’s Halloween page for all the best ideas on Halloween costumes, cakes, cocktails and more.

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One comment

  • Um, people are going out for Halloween dressed as broccoli? Really?

    Are they saying they’re afraid of broccoli?

    I remember one year for Halloween I dressed as a tea bag. I took fabric interfacing and created the carefully folded bag like a “flow-through” bag. One half hung on the front and the other half on the back. I stuffed it with shredded brown construction paper. I attached a string and the little label and carefully drew out the red rose from Red Rose tea.

    On the back I printed one of my favorite quotes just like they have on the real tea bags. “A good woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until you get her in hot water.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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