by ML
Top 10 Food and Drink Words You’ve Never Heard
Because I’m a closet book nerd, I spend a lot of time reading books about books and books about words. No, don’t laugh. And yes, they exist. Much to my surprise, there are a plethora of food words other than “delicious” to describe this food concept we all love so much. Here are my top 10 new favorites:
- 10. Bedinner (v)- to treat to dinner.
He better bedinner me after making me sleep with his cat.
- 9. Semese (adj)- half eaten.
We probably don’t use this word because Americans would never leave something half eaten. Seconds, please.
- 8. Surfeited (adj)- oppressed or disordered by eating too much.
This happens to me daily. We all know what it feels like.
- 7. Deipnosophist(n)- a person who is learned in the art of dining.
Is this the word that will replace “foodie”? Maybe.
- 6. Moreish (adj)- encouraging continued indulgence (said of food or drink).
There’s no surprise that this word also resembles Mother.
I am effing surfeited by the ziploc bag of Wheaties I had for breakfast this morning.
jentactular is without a doubt my new favorite word. I plan to use it every morning.
As you should
Thank you! Everyone needs more Bouffage in their life… I wonder if that’s where Buffet comes from?
My family has said moreish for year! As in, “Wow, this Mac’n’Cheese is delicious! Definitely tastes moreish!”