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– 65 percent of you say New York bagels are the real deal. Not that Montreal doesn’t have its defenders. Food Guy Montreal:
OUR bagels are tasteless? Smaller they may be. Crispier, perhaps, but they are NOT crispy in any way shape of form. Dry? Oh no no no no no no. They are most certainly not dry. They deliver the delightful chewyness that NY bagels do not deliver. I find NY bagels dough-ier if that makes sense. They are commonly referred to as “rolls with a hole” which is exactly what they are.
But rumblegut (great handle, btw) will not stand for such blasphemy:
No way can I let this defamation of New York bagels go on. Rolls with holes? New York bagels are crusty on the outside, chewy on the inside, simply divine creations. And I’ve always been one to embrace salt over sweet. Recently I read something that suggested the perfect bagel would use the new York dough recipe but bake the bagel in a wood fire oven . I can see that. Anyone up for an experiment?
And deb throws a whole ‘nother curve into the debate:
What you seem to perceive as a “new york” bagel — puffy and over-inflated — has nothing in common with the *real* new york bagels that were made in the city before, say, 1990 or so. the kaiser-roll styled specimens of today are more cincinnati-via-grand rapids styled things. montreal bagels of today are far more ‘authentic,’ and to my tastebuds, far yummier.
Wow — who knew! Today’s NYC bagels are actually Midwest bagels? Apparently my nine-year-old self missed the great NYC bagel changeover of 1990 — can any older New Yorkers confirm that this is true?
– Thanks for all the mmmmm zucchini flower recipes. Vicki:
I grew up eating flowers stuffed with meat, breaded and fried. I’ve also had the flower coated in a light batter, fried, and dusted with powdered sugar. And they’re great sliced and added to a quesadilla.
I made an amazing pasta recipe using squash blossoms (especially nice if they’re looking a little tired from the heat/hanging out in the fridge for too long). I found it on Orangette– you don’t need to use pappardelle like the recipe calls for though. Enjoy! http://orangette.blogspot.com/2006/07/pasta-no-pomodoro.html
(Photo: Sifu Renka)