Top Chef Exit Interview: Episode 1
Holy Poop Balls! Top Chef is back. (And so is Padma’s rack.) Season 7 will surely provide awesome chefs, over the top douche bags and horrible DC-related puns, as demonstrated by the first episode’s name: House of Chef-presentatives.
Here’s our chat with the first axed chef’testant.
Endless Simmer: Most importantly, what have you had longer: culinary career or dreads?
John Somerville: Almost about same. My culinary career outlasts my dreads by 5 years. They’re an organic expression of myself. Something I can create, something that simulates conversation.
Is Angelo as cocky as he seems?
Well you saw that clip. Yea, I think he’s a pretty cocky player. But he’s $20,000 richer. I was also taken aback by Kenny’s Ron Artest style poses after the quickfire.
Who’s the most talented?
From what I saw, I’m the most talented. Being first eliminated, might be hard to swallow.
Describe your feelings walking into the GE kitchen.
It was a little bit strange. I was a little bit intimated. I didn’t know what to expect. And then I got in there and there is a lot of modern technology. I didn’t know a lot about it. I don’t think anyone used the liquid nitrogen.
Are the judges, especially new judge Chef Eric Ripert, very intimidating?
Yes. Picking stuff apart makes for great TV. As for Eric Ripert, I love the guy and I love seafood, so I have a lot of respect for him. He brings a lot of girl power with his silver fox reputation. At my viewing party last night all of the women were very happy to see that Chef Ripert was joining full time.
Did you watch past seasons to prepare?
Yes, but hadn’t studied or had a coach. If I did they probably would have told me not to make a dessert in the first episode.
Eliminations are always reminiscent of last meals. What would yours be?
You’d want something that is comfort food, something that will last you into eternity. I’d love to have my mom’s buttermilk pancakes with melted butter and maple syrup.
Not turned off of maple syrup yet?
No yet!
Photos: Bravo
Great interview! Really enjoyed his last meal answer, so sweet. (no pun intended)
Have to admit, when John declared that his first dish was going to be a dessert … I yelled at the TV: “never make a dessert on Top Chef!”
Will look forward to following you and to future interviews!
I can’t believe he thinks he is still the most talented, really?
In fairness, he only got to see the other contestants’ work in this one challenge. Probably makes it easier to convince yourself that you just had an off moment and everyone else got lucky.
It’s harder to make that claim if you’re eliminated after a few episodes and you’ve seen multiple challenges’ worth of dishes from your competition.
I’m sort of regretting my decision to cancel cable at this moment. I’m really missing Top Chef!
That said, it’s the only thing I’m missing…
It looks like judge Tom C’s insecurity is showing now that Eric Ripert has joined as judged. It is very subtle but its there. Keep watching
Really? You needed a coach to tell you not to make a dessert on the first Top Chef challenge?
Padma’s rack, her best feature and one of the few reason’s to tune into this show for……lol