Bulk Bin #3387
That’s all I got. #3387.
Ever since I cleaned out my fridge before vacation I’ve been on a kind of cleaning kick. It’s in spurts. And tiny spurts at that. But it’s better than my normal.
Yesterday as I searched for a grain for dinner I came across a ton of half empty bags. I’ve recently started saving glass jars. Jars from salsa, capers, tomato sauce, anything really. If I can get the label off after a dishwasher run then it’s a keeper. In a frenzy I whipped out my funnel and poured bags of arborio rice, lentils and quinoa into their own more shelf-stable (I think?) containers.
And that’s where I came across #3387.
I seriously cannot identify that thing.
I know we’ve asked a lot of you this week: what to do with garlic scapes, the best way to eat strawberries and how to get drunk off popsicles, but I really need one last favor.
There’s a jar and a sticky waiting for #3387. Help the grains find their home.
The Search is On: Name that Grain
Whatever it is, cook it like you would brown rice. I think that would be the best solution 🙂
trying to understand the picture. Are they more or less the size of popcorn kernels but flatter and a little longer?
I say either really short grain brown rice or wheat berries.
Looks like some sort of barley.
i really hope this is farro? could it be?
it looks a little like yellow dent corn from the Andes. Or Kamut. I can’t tell how teardropped it is…
I’m pretty sure farro is longer than that. Kamut’s pretty long and narrow. Wheat berries is a good guess but it doesn’t have the line down the middle splitting it in half like a little long booty…. I’m really leaning towards rice. Still, its hard to tell how big the grains are in the picture…
Have you called the store where you got it from, Yes! Organic, Whole Foods?
hey gans,
why not provide us with a picture of a few of the mystery grains next to a few grains of regular brown or white rice so that we have a perspective!
is this from the takoma park co-op trip you and i made? is it one of their many varieties of brown rice? that’s what it looks like to me, and whoever said cook it like brown rice is probably headed down the right path.
thanks for the help everyone. i think maids had a good idea. i’ll photo a few mystery grains next to identified grains for perspective.
Does raw sunflower kernels from Tree of Life sound familiar?
I found a google image of raw sunflower kernels too.
Try this: http://www.culinate.com/articles/features/grain_glossary
I suspect it is sweet brown rice, though the photo makes it look fairly yellow. That could be an aging, oxidizing, or light exposure effect, though. I suggest cooking it and tasting it — that might give you a good clue.
@Danielle: Definitely NOT amaranth! Those grains are itty bitty and almost perfectly round! Like really tiny millet.
Midget mermaid eggs.
I’m pretty sure it’s sweet brown rice. I was at Whole Foods yesterday and saw it in a bulk bin and a light went off. Here’s a picture: http://www.purcellmountainfarms.com/Organic%20Sweet%20Brown%20Rice.htm