An Alternative to the Butter Treatment
This past Saturday was my first day working at the Mt. Pleasant Far Mar. Yes. Far Mar. I think that’s what the folks in Oakland, CA call the farmers market and the Mt. P owner is from there so that’s how it goes. I love a good abbreviation so I’m all for it.
I have a feeling this season I’m going to be trying out a bunch new vegetables. Or at least vegetable that I don’t normally buy.
My friend Violette, a French girl, is a natural fan of radishes. She slices them and serves them with salty butter. While I cannot deny the simple goodness of this treat, I’d love to find more ways to enjoy this spicy vegetable. And not just in salads. Help me find creative alternatives.
Can you spin radishes into a sauce?
Use as a vehicle for a dip?
Serve under eggs?
Suggestions welcome.
Hey! I really like your blog. Did you happen to see the article from the New York Times on Roasted Radishes. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/12/dining/12appe.html?ref=dining
amalia to the rescue! thanks for the article. i am sooo roasting radishes as soon as i get back from vacation. (still looking for tokyo / seoul ideas!)
I think I’m gonna treat them like pickled onions for fajitas this week
Pickle them and use the results in place of an olive in your martini.
I slice my radishes & let them sit in a puddle of lemon juice (meyer lemon is great – on special at WF now), salt, and a little sugar. Sort of like quick pickle. Good to serve with fish, meat, rice, etc. The black (Nero) radishes & watermelon radishes are super fun to play with too! Varying levels of spice, up to nearly horseradish level in some cases…
Does Daikon count? My friends from Tokyo made me a fantastic vegetarian dish out of them.
Just put in what you want in the proportions to suit your tastes. For the stock, I’ve used a variety of combinations and all have turned out great. I start with veg stock with a handful of sliced mushrooms and a sheet or two of kombu seaweed.
Put cut Daikon into any kind of soup stock. Cook daikon till soft.
Drain it.
Melt some butter into a pan, fry daikon ‘steaks’ until they are golden brown on each side.
Plate the daikon, sprinkle with soy sauce, black pepper and a bit of seaweed (I cut up a toasted Nori sheet into thin strips.)
For the adventurous, I also keep the kombu aside and cut it into strips and serve with wasabi.