Cheflebrity Smörgåsbord: Back to Basics


The latest and greatest news about celebrity chefs, served up buffet style.

– Hey, Anthony Bourdain isn’t just about deep-fried cobra heart.   Being a good cook begins with the basics.

– Speaking of the fundamentals, Alice Waters‘ new cookbook takes you back to square one with the help of well-known chefs.  And you thought she only cared about the Slow-Food extremists!

After the jump…chefs that are:  annoying, dangerous (!?) and just plain cool.

– Will our national Guy Fieri nightmare ever end? In It To Win It will be back.

Nate Appleman was packin’ heat!  Not really…he was about as well-armed as a Boy Scout.

Fabio Viviani‘s life is a series of ups and downs.  Of course, at the end of the day, he’s Fabio Freaking Viviani, so yeah…life’s pretty good.

(photo: letouj)

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  • westcoast April 8, 2010  

    “Slow-Food extremists” That’s an interesting phrase. Can you elaborate or were you just being facetious?

  • tvff April 8, 2010  


  • Tyler April 8, 2010  

    I would like it to be known far and wide that Guy Fieri was born “Guy Ferry”. Apparently he felt the need to de-Americanize, and re-Italianize his last name, and require that everybody pronounce it with that ludicrously rolled “r”. Get over yourself, Guy.

    He claims that he did this to “honor his family roots.” Okay. But what about honoring the guy who had the balls to actually come over here an build a life for future Ferrys? Does he get no respect?

  • westcoast April 8, 2010  

    Alice Waters is my hero. It’s like a Jesus or Palin sort of obsession, but more serious.

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