ES Local: What’s Eating DC
Our weekly local roundup of the best eating and drinking events going down in Washington, DC…
Event of the Week: In true ES fashion my event pick of the week is all about pork. BLT Steak is hosting its inaugural cooking class, teaching techniques on how to prepare and cook pork, including a spit-roast. If it wasn’t my 30th this Saturday (Happy Birthday to Me) and I wasn’t getting sloshed at vineyards in Charlottesville, I’d be trotting on down there myself.
View ES Local: What’s Eating DC in a larger map
Remember, you can check out the constantly updated map any day of the week.
If you represent a restaurant or bar and wish to have your event listed on the ES Local: What’s Eating DC map, please write to me at britannia(at)endlesssimmer(dot)com.