by 80 Proof
Artsy Photo of the Day
Sometimes in life do you feel like you hear footsteps?
Well, that happened to me late tonight as I watched TV by myself. Only this time, the footsteps did not involve the inevitable emergence of the big 3-0 on the horizon. No, tonight they belonged to Gansie, who imitated Usain Bolt at the 50M mark in her attempt to make it to the bathroom before her bladder broke. Drinking with the girls always seems to bring out the final sprint down the hallway from Gansie.
So it is down to me to throw together an unexpected post for tomorrow morning. I leave the faithful readers with my old stand-bys, some artsy photos. In this case, let’s take a moment to reminisce about last year’s farmers market and the readily available photos it provided:
I love the photo of the farmer’s market. Where would that hail from? It reminds me of last fall. How I pine for those days!
Both photos are from the Mt. Pleasant market in DC.
Nice pics 80p. Can’t wait for the season to start up again
we’ve all heard ganie’s mad dashes before. Some things do stay constant
keep pics com’in
Ps. An interesting way to blow a grand
I’d be glad to hepl paricipate in a taste test if you find a sucker to put up$4k
what is the second photo?
As much as I can understand right now, I think you’re right!