Cheflebrity Smörgåsbord: Who’s the Hotter Dish?
The latest and greatest news about celebrity chefs, served up buffet style.
– Who is more desirable, Padma or Giada? The Ask Men folks hash it out.
– Let’s all raise our chalupas in tribute — the founder of Taco Bell has died at the age of 86.
After the jump…taking shots as Emeril appears on another network, a sober look at a serious problem and a humorous look at a very chubby problem.
– Emeril is getting a talk/cooking/variety show on ION Television. ES.com Contest: Predict whether this show will last longer than his shit-com. The tie-breaker is that you have to identify what channel ION occupies on your cable service (without consulting your on-screen guide).
– Batali and Colicchio team up to produce a documentary on the problem of hunger in America.
– No problems with hunger here! The fatties in Huntington, West Virginia made Jamie Oliver cry.
Ideally, I would say neither. If you’ve ever watched Giada’s show, especially her new one when she occasionally invites family members to join her in the kitchen, you’ll know she’s more interested in herself than in the food. Giada graciously lets her aunt chop things for her while she rolls her eyes and makes faces behind her back. She acts as if she’s dealing with a senile old rambler. But if I had to choose, I’d go for Padma. At least I wouldn’t have to smack her with a panini press for butchering the Italian language!