Cheflebrity Smörgåsbord: May the Hops Be With You
The latest and greatest news about celebrity chefs, served up buffet style.
– It may be great, it may be terrible. I don’t care. I’m having geek overload: Star Wars-themed beer.
– Nah, I don’t care that Tiger Woods is apparently a serial philanderer. Wait…he eats at Perkins? Take him for all he’s worth, Elin!
After the jump… grilled meat beats MREs any day of the week, a celeb who won’t capitalize on her fame and I don’t think that’s kosher.
– Al Roker went to Afghanistan to grill with the troops. I’m a little disappointed he didn’t go the locavore route and prepare smoked camel.
– Looks like won’t be seeing the Central Perk cookbook any time soon. Wow…Jennifer Aniston today and John Mayer the other day. ES is turning into a 2007 gossip blog all of a sudden.
– I’m no rabbi, Michael Symon, but doesn’t frying your latke in bacon fat cause some…issues?
every single guy i ever dated would crap their pants at the news of a “stout trooper” beer in existence.