Top 10 Creepy Halloween Recipes
Meat-free fiends can still get in on the mummy action by going with unfurled‘s nutella-and-frosting wrapped bodies
5. Mummy Meatloaf
Sticking with the corpse theme, Family Corner is cooking up this Lasagna-wrapped meatloaf.
4. Bloody Worms
Classics don’t get old, and who doesn’t like eating worms” The Idea Room has this spin, made from straws (they’re edible in the end).
3. Shrunken Heads in Cider
Count on that freak Martha Stewart to turn granny smith apples into this creepy bowl of heads.
2. Jello Brain
Amazon has your brain mold (if by chance you don’t already have one in your kitchen), and thirteen for halloween has the recipe to make it even grosser.
1. Eyeball Caprese
Of the many, many eyeball recipes out there, Evil Mad Scientist finds the perfect balance between gross-out and appetizing with this eyeball caprese salad.
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I thought, at first glance, the Mummy Dogs were Taliban Dogs…is that bad?
I thought, at first glance, the Mummy Dogs were Taliban Dogs…is that wierd?
OMG, I love all those mummys! Who knew there were so many mummy themed snacks out there?
Thank you so much for including me in your Top 10, I feel so honored.
Love the recipes! These will be great for any halloween party or even just for the family!
Love the Eyeball Caprese.