by BS
ES Takes Over the Web, Episode 16,249
[photo redacted]
gansie: i HATE the pictureHATEHATEHATEBS: OMGit’s great!gansie: UGHBS: really?you look hotgansie: my eyes are squintybut whateverit’s fine.it could be worse.
That’s just a taste of the many, many, many anxious gchat messages exchanged this week in anticipation of gansie’s Washingtonian magazine photo shoot (!!) Don’t miss the accompanying article, in which our DC bureau chief dishes out some advice about recipes, farmers markets, cookbooks and more. OK fine, she mostly talks about eggs. Obviously.
The Blogger Beat: Endless Simmer [Washingtonian]
I think it’s an excellent picture. Congrats!
i think it’s a purty picture
Stef, you look amazing and congrats!!
That looks like our Bestway! Woohoo Bestway!! I hoep you got the peeled garlic cloves.
Oh and btw, it’s a lovely photo. 🙂
photo shoot? As in there are multiple photos?
I like the picture. Think you look tres sophisticate – BUT I think you’d look more like the legit blogger you are with your cool-chicky glasses on! Do you really eat loaves of that white bread from Bestway? I can’t stand the stuff.
Now you’re (even more) famous. Great interview & photo– congratulations! I’m secretly pleased the Flavor Bible is important.
Gansie’s just her own toughest critic when it comes to portraits.
gansie, you look goregous!
I love the pic!
i think you look cute! an damn, that is one looooooong hoody.
what happened to the belt you were showing off on Saturday during your mini-fashion show?!
you’re a good deal taller than I imagined
Great interview. Congrats ES & Gansie! I think the photo looks great – you just usually look more intense as your hunting the bestway aisles for your next recipe.
it looks like it should be the poster for Endless Simmer: The Movie
I’m glad to see the first photo shoot for the EndlessSimmer.com Pin-up Calendar went so well!
as proud mom and dad gansie we only sent it to about 100 people from our e mail groups. as we told all their responses, we’re proud of all three our gansie kids, stef you look beautiful; it’s a great interview,
keep it up
your friday’s dish looked delis too
as i commented on the washingtonian, gansie never ceases to amaze us with all her cooking adventures; however the creation or disaster turn out her explitives always keeps us going and can’t wait for more
again, we all do unconditionally love our gansie