Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week


– If you were impressed by LC’s lamb roast, you’ll want to hear from Shannon, who writes in to one-up her:

Your lamb on a spit post reminded me of this photo.  We’ll be trying to roast our own gator on a homemade contraption this weekend for the Florida/LSU game. FYI, you can buy gator from farms down here. They mostly raise them for the skins, so the meat is really cheap. A four foot gator runs $30-$40.

HOT DAMN. All ES readers should feel free to keep writing in with any new roast-animals-on-a-stick discoveries.

– Fine, so no one agrees with my high-minded call for better bread at Jewish delis. Adam says the sub-par bread is the whole point:

I would agree that the bread at delis like Katz’s is sub-par, but I think the reasoning is because it’s meant to be as unobtrusive as possible. With other sandwiches, the bread is important. When it’s surrounding a pound of pastrami, it’s job is to make the pastrami go into my mouth, while slightly lowering the amount of grease and mustard I get on myself.

And Mike B will have none of it:

Pastrami on *toast*? A baguette? An everything bagel?! I’m… I’m speechless….

But Karen from French’s Mustard writes in with a novel idea I can’t believe I hadn’t previously considered:

Next time you go into a Jewish deli (I do loves me some Katz’s), demand they put it on a nice, thick and toasted piece of challah.  They’ll charge you more, wayyy more, but I promise it’ll revolutionize your sandwich.  And as far as where to put your mustard?  I have an idea for that too…but, you have to make your own first.

Challah-pastrami, that’s it! I am on board. It will probably cost $30 at 2nd Ave, though.

So we don’t often post PR requests here, but since Karen wrapped hers up with a sweet ‘strami suggestion, we’ll make an exception. Go and enter French’s homemade mustard contest and win some big $$$! Deets after the jump…

I’m not throwing you in the kitchen to slave over mustard for no reason,  French’s is hosting a competition for mustard fans to submit an original, easy-to-make mustard recipe. I thought it would be fun to offer you and your readers a chance to look into the pantry and create a (hopefully) delicious take on mustard (for recipe inspiration and giveaways, check out the French’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Frenchs/129122660682?ref=ts).

Each Recipe Should:

  • Be original, unpublished, and created by you;
  • Include at least one French’s product;
  • Include no more than 8 ingredients(with the exception of salt, pepper and water…those are freebies);
  • And be prepared and ready to serve in no more than 1 hour.

Recipes will be evaluated on appearance, creativity and overall delicousness and must be submitted by October 31, 2009 online at: http://frenchs.com/Login.php?redirect=/Contest/SubmitRecipe.php. Five finalists, determined by online voting and a judging panel, will compete in a LIVE Cook-Off event to be held in New York City for a chance to win the Grand Prize of $25,000!

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  • LC October 9, 2009  

    I think the gator roast is a parallel project to roasting other meats. It’s more of a statement roast what with the meat being so cheap (and probably tough and gamey. not that i’m competitive).

  • jd October 12, 2009  

    Symbolic Gator roasting aside, LSU got CHOMPED! GO GATORS!

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