It’s Just a Little Crush
It really wasn’t a contest. Would you rather eat pizza and get red pepper flakes stuck in your gums and feel the burn for 15 minutes or would you like to try the crushed ones on the right? Easy choice of course. I love my red pepper flakes and garlic salt on pizza (and Parmesan when available). But those round, light brown things almost ruined the experience for me. I never understood why they couldn’t be crushed up or why the containers would dribble out two or three pieces at a time. It was damn near impossible to get an even covering over a slice!
The solution after the jump…
I’m sure that, somewhere, there is a bottle of red pepper flakes with a built-in grinder, but I couldn’t find it. So for years I have suffered, as have my gums. We tried to use a pepper grinder but those round bastards slipped right through. Then Gansie altered my pizza eating life forever when she discovered a small pepper grinder at True Value hardware store (apparently they have kitchen supplies too). This little thing is a miracle worker. As you can see from the top pic, it slices and dices everything in its path. You can cover your pizza or pasta with an even smattering of flakes.
If you have had this problem, or just feel the need to grind something smaller than a peppercorn, you need to get one of these.
Here’s a picture of the game changer.
and I have a new awful song in my head for the rest of the day. thanks a million. lol.
@BS what song?
@ 80 – I have no idea what you’re talking about. I have never experienced red pepper flakes in the gums and I eat them on everything (not finely crushed) all the time. I think you might have some kind of gum-deformity or malfunction.
see headline. click on link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlNe9IXHUgA&feature=related
but you’ll be sorry
Considering I don’t floss, this is a distinct possibility. The main benefit here is that is spreads evenly over your food.
I have red pepper with a built in grinder. I didn’t think it was uncommon, bought it at the local supermarket next to the built in regular pepper grinder.