Hott Link: Red Fever


Just some quick breakfast porn for ya’ll. This recipe caught my eye since C. Christy was wondering a couple weeks back ’bout whether putting red velvet in cupcakes was flagrantly un-kosher (is there a southern equivalent for kosher?)

Anyway, I’m gonna say it’s definitely A-OK, because southern food guru Doug DuCap of Hugging the Coast is putting it all up in his pancakes! I know it’s food coloring, but still, that’s a damn pretty plate. Is it the weekend yet? I’m ready for brunch.

Red Velvet Pancakes with Brandied Cherry Butter [Hugging the Coast]

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  • Mary Lou May 14, 2009  

    Dunkins Hines Red Velvet Cake mix, its a sin. If you cant make it from scratch, dont make it at all

  • Maids May 14, 2009  

    again, not the meal to have before your annual colonoscopy!

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