No Obama Food Sightings This Weekend…
Damn! With President Obama sticking around town this weekend and his repub oppo busy worshiping at the altar of Limbaugh,we thought the Prez might have some free time to visit another DC restaurant. But the Eater-in-Chief opted to spend his Friday night out at the Wizards game instead.
Which is in a way good news because that means Round One of the Obama Eating Contest is still on — so don’t forget to cast your votes. The guesses so far:
Maids: Proof
Chris: 2 Amys
Melissa: Founding Farmers
Gansie: Central
Justin: Ristorante Tosca
miked: Meskerem, Dukem or some Ethiopian joint
Eick: Agraria
Gee Money: Rasika
Rubygirl: Old Ebbitt Grill
Johnna Knows Good Food: Art and Soul
jb: Marvin
And as always, let us know if you see Obama or any other notable eaters around DC or anywhere else.
friend of mine saw Michelle Obama heading into the Dupont North Cosi.
I saw Jill Biden at Nora’s Restaurant… does that count for anything?
nice sightings, team ES! I am pretty enamored with Jill Biden…I think she should take on a higher profile!
Throwing my hat in the ring for Ashok Bajaj’s Oval Room. It’s just off Lafayette Square and down the block from Equinox, so security should be easier than at other places. Menu is pretty standard “modern American.”
I think Obama should visit Bus Boys and Poets! That’s what I’d recommend to him.
As an aside, Bus Boys and Poets was handing out free warm apple cider this morning. Totally made my walk to work in the horrible snow blizzard livable.
I worry though that if Obama actually went there, the place would implode. If Bus Boys is the “Gatekeeper” then Obama is the “Keymaster”.
Wait wait wait. Barack had beer at the game! There’s photo proof! Are we discounting beer as a food group? O, what a world, what a world…
I love Jill Biden too! It sucked cause the chair I was sitting in forced me to have my back to her but I snuck a peek or two, and gathered from the people at my table facing her that she was having a girl night and they ordered lots of wine – I want to hang out with Jill!
Hitching Post.