this was by far my favorite liveblog convo to read after the fact. I especially liked when the troll twitterer showed up trying to woo people away from ES!
ha – me too – sorry to miss it – my favorite part is that the future HHS secretary showed up.
MaidsFebruary 19, 2009
wow. sebelius is very hip. and knowledgeable about food too!
JoeHoyaFebruary 20, 2009
The “troll twitterer” was shilling for the account Spike and Andrew have been using to tweet during the episodes this season. Any guesses who it might have been? 🙂
this was by far my favorite liveblog convo to read after the fact. I especially liked when the troll twitterer showed up trying to woo people away from ES!
ha – me too – sorry to miss it – my favorite part is that the future HHS secretary showed up.
wow. sebelius is very hip. and knowledgeable about food too!
The “troll twitterer” was shilling for the account Spike and Andrew have been using to tweet during the episodes this season. Any guesses who it might have been? 🙂