Vault of Forgotten Posts
Okay, so you might think I’m this super motivated person who cooks every night and then sits down and writes about it immediately after. And a lot of the time, that’s true. Freaking ES takes up like 200% of my free time, but of course I love every freaking minute of it.
Well, sometimes I do make something fabulous, or eat somewhere fabulous, take pics, but then never get around to writing about it. Well, here’s a wrap up of some food stories I just never bothered to tell you about. I mean, I guess I have to wipe the blog clean, or some other dumb end of year crap.
Fried Eggplant and Fresh Tomato Sauce
Back in the summer, I bought tons of eggplants (can this be a plural word?) and tons of tomatoes. Now, we know that 80P doesn’t eat raw tomatoes, and he just started to get into eggplant, so I had to find a way to incorporate both veggies into one dish. Yes, frying would be the way to go. Now, I don’t remember the recipe, but this was my first attempt at breading and frying eggplant. It actually didn’t work out perfectly, as I cut the eggplant too thick and had to finish them off in the oven. The sauce was awesome though. I can’t remember what secret tricks I put in it (no sugar, belmontmedina!), but it turned out really well. I normally don’t like tomato sauce, but I was surely a fan of my version.
Keep reading for gansie’s vault of forgotten posts
Parsley-Feta Sauce with Squash and Shells
You’ve probably noticed, but parsley is my favorite fresh herb. I especially love to make sauces out of it. And I never have a fridge without feta in it. Feta is just so great because it can be morphed into something crumbly or smooth.
This dish was a summer pasta salad. I loved the little shells and the extra parm cheese shredded on top. Plus, I made this early enough in the season when I wasn’t totally fucking sick of squash yet.
Mack & Manco
Okay, Mack & Manco. If there’s one thing Jersey does right, well, besides attitude, it’s pizza. And this shop down the Shore totally proves my point. With only three locations—all along the Ocean City boardwalk—it’s always been a special summer treat, especially during my high school days. And that is in no way due to the fact that they always hired the hottest, tannest boys to serve up slices to admiring teenagers. The crust is thin, soft, crunchy. The cheese and sauce are in perfect ratio. Oh, and did I mention the boys are cute?
hahahaha. I would never accuse you of such a thing! (I know you know better)
that pizza action shot is awesome
that pic is all Gansie, as I was too much of a wuss to take a picture from 5 feet away. Gansie, of course, had no such qualms.
i also have some cool ones with the dough all the way in the air, but it blends in with the background a bunch. i’ll add it to the ES flickr pool.