Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week
– 47 percent of you choose the Rogue chocolate coffee float at the ultimate beer shake.
The Duo Dishes: That Vanilla White Chocolate Guinness Shake needs a medal of honor and prestige!
SAG: no beamish combo?? what a slap in the face.
And Ali hooks us up with one more recipe for a vanilla-chocolate-vodka beer shake.
– Yvo has no problems with gansie’s restraint issue: Wow I keep forgetting to start adding eggs to everything. It’s an excellent way to boost my protein intake (something I like to do to make me feel like I’m not eating carbs). Except I don’t know, a fried egg on top of my baked ziti tonight might be a bit too weird. Maybe not – tomato sauce, cheese, all go well with egg?
– Eric demands RayRay be cut from Eater of the Year consideration: How can Rachael Ray be considered for Eater Of The Year? I’ve never seen her eat anything on her shows.
While 80 Proof has only one demand: If Cindy McCain doesn’t make the finals, I quit.
Keep the Eater of the Year suggestions coming…finalists will be announced next week.
And finally, Wonkette commenters have all kinds of theories about what’s going on with this weird food sign gansie spotted:
Sanantonerose: Leftover food from….what? Thanksgiving? Perhaps ladies were desperately flushing Aunt Sophie’s fruitcake from five years ago down the loo?
hedgehog: Did Larry Summers get nominated for Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs? Those wimmenfolk can’t do math, and they’re such slobs, too.
ManchuCandidate: It could be worse. My sister’s employer had to post signs in the male bathrooms for workers not to wash their feet and genitals in the sinks. The feet part is understandable as many of the workers are recent muslim immigrants who was their feet before praying to Mecca. The penis washing part is because some people are just fucking weird.
But psychedelicSludge has the most crucial advice: Do not eat urinal cakes.
Seen a weird food sign? Snap us a pic!
eww.. I didn’t even know what that was a picture of at first. I though it was the drain of a hot tub. My fracking lord, can we keep the pictures of urinals off of the site about food? BTW my theory about the veteran affairs sign= no kitchen in the building so there is no where to wash fruit/plates?
Speaking of eggs…Gansie, are you aware the Bon Appetit crowned “anything with an egg on top” the 2008 Dish of the Year? It’s in the December issue. I read it and thought of you.