Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week


When I tried to slide my *Laughing Cow* usage under the radar, Yvo made sure to bring it the cheating (?) attention it deserved, especially after commenting on my coworker’s questionable usage of deli meat in a frittata

Wait, I’m sorry, don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re actually turning your nose up at “deli meat” and eggs, but then you use Laughing Cow in your own version? Really? Come on, now.

And my co-worker, Yok, bravely defended her turkey decision

Being the above-referenced co-worker, I feel I must defend our topping choices. We had a variety: sun-dried tomatoes, havarti and monterey jack cheeses, sauteed onions and roasted turkey. The turkey was inspired by a 30-minute meal episode for a large frittata- not that that gives it a “pass”- I thought…interesting. It gave an awesome complexity of flavor so don’t knock it ’til you try it!

But nothing beats the wisdom of DAD GANSIE…

I thought my dad knew by now that every time he sends me something food related, there’s a chance it will make it on to the blog, hence this week’s roasted tomato soup recipe from DAD GANSIE.  But he made sure to defend his email-cum-blog post

ok it was not formal you know emerald’s the same..no measurements. however, it was about 8-10 tomes, 1 large squash, 2-3 oz. evvo,
basically it was whatever what was left in the refrig. i can kick myself that this wqs the first time in some 20 years that i tried this…it was/is good cause i’m still ading new stuff to it.

Yvo we all remember the kinda of stuff and what day we ate ‘em …but who knew what was in it… hopefully we can save and continue es ing for a long time for your kids to see it.
good luck DG

Thanks, DAD GANSIE, we, um, totally get it now.

Keep those comments coming, ya’ll!

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  • Yvo October 17, 2008  

    I said sorry and how I like Laughing Cow, too!! 🙁
    Oh well I hope you know I heart ES. Where else can I get all this great stuff?!

  • gansie October 17, 2008  

    aahh. we love you to Yvo! thanks for all the great comments!

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