A Midsummer Afternoon’s Snack
Over the weekend I performed some major procrastination (including this post.) It was my monthly I’m-grounded-I-have-4-articles-due-on-Monday weekend. So instead of writing, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I’ll be sure to post about my big baking adventure, but my afternoon snack’s success really made me proud.
In the morning I made my weekly trip to the farmers market and picked up peaches, blackberries and yogurt (among millions of other produce). The dairy stand is where it’s at! Oh, and let me make this clear – I hate yogurt. But, and I’m not kidding, tasting so much genuine frozen yogurt prepped me for the real stuff. And, the Keswick Creamery stand offers plenty of samples (!) so I decided to try their version:
Keswick Yogurt- a traditional style yogurt. Made fresh each week. We don’t add any milk powder, sugar or emulsifiers so our yogurt is clean, smooth and tangy.
I’m not sure what any of that really means, but I actually liked it. Now I’m not sure if I could down a whole pint of the shit, but I could add some to a smoothie.
*Flash forward* I’m on the couch, researching this sidewalk event and not one restaurant that I’ve called can give me any details (thanks Alex and El) so I get frustrated and head to the kitchen. I would have liked to make a martini, but instead, I went the smoothie route – in a martini glass.
Blackberry, Peach and Banana Smoothie
Throw in blender: one diced peach, 5 blackberries, one chopped frozen banana, 3-4 spoonfuls of yogurt, 2 splashes of 1% milk – blend. Pour in martini glass. Put in freezer for 10 minutes. Add a dollop of yogurt. If you have a blog and feel the desire to make all of your food picture friendly, create a pretty design. If not, just drink. And pretend it contains vodka.
Gansie has had about 12 technical glitches with this post for some reason, and it seems to have just posted an incomplete version online. Since she’s in a board meeting all day, she can’t fully explain what was missing.
But I will say that this was a peach, blackberry, and yogurt smoothie. For a yogurt and smoothie hater like myself, it wasn’t too bad.
There was another picture that gave a better view, but she put this drink in a martini glass. What a classy gal !!
Looks like it’s resolved now – the whole thing is there, complete with the martini glass glamour shot.
Gansie – if you’re still in need of information on the Del Ray event and you haven’t already done so, you may want to put in a call to either Jill Erber at Cheesetique or the women at the Del Ray Dreamery (formerly the Dairy Godmother). They’ve been doing these First Thursday events for each of the past two or three summers, and each month’s event has a different focus.
Both Cheesetique and the Dreamery have been actively involved in the past – they should have an idea of what’s going on this time around.
tell us more about how to make this design! It looks like an effing magazine cover
you know you’re a microbiologist when you think the top of a smoothie is petri plate.
And what a great looking snack it is! Love the star on top!
re: design
i just dropped a dollop on top and took a toothpick and drew curvy lines out from the center.