Feed Us Back: Comments of the Week

The Endless Simmer world was introduced to the Capital Cooking world this week, leading to comments such as those from Yvo:

So… is she naked under an apron, or is that a dress meant to look like an apron?

…and Brian to profess his undying love:

i think i love her. i don’t care what you think of me.

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BS and photog Brian teamed up to bring us another celebrity shot that didn’t include a face. At least this time it wasn’t just their feet. Attempting to guess the secret celebrity’s identity, Brenna said:

It’s Sway, the mtv reporter, i’m 100% positive!

That was my guess, too, especially since he’s from Oakland. But according to Brian that is incorrect. So keep those guesses coming in.

more after the jump:

Maidelitala gives life advice in a Britannia post about his latest installment of SNDC:

Gazpacho is magic. Recommended to be the only “food” ingested by bethrothed LADY on the week before her wedding (so that she can supremely gorge herself at the festivities and not bust a button) Ask any Spanish Grandma: Gazpacho is not just a Bowl of Soup. It’s a Lifestyle.

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  • brian July 25, 2008  

    oh, and for the record, i was naying the will.i.am guess. IT WAS SWAY!

  • Maidelitala July 28, 2008  

    Dear ES,
    You slackers. You’ve really fallen off the map. You haven’t had a new blog post for a whole 2.8 days 🙁 How am I to spend my idle time if not reading new postings on the ES blog?
    With love and disappointment,

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