Last time we played this game, everyone came up a little short, but at least there were some real good guesses.
This meal is probably impossible to guess, although some of you freaks of food knowledge will probably get pretty close. We’ll reveal the full details again on Monday.
Is this a ‘before’ or an ‘after’ image?
This one’s going to take some thought.
yeah, this a pre-cooked picture.
I meant before or after eating.
Looks like you’ve got coriander seeds and red pepper flakes in there, so I’m going to guess this is some sort of dukkah or spice-crusted chicken dish.
Definitely coriander seed and pepper flakes. Is that aleppo pepper? I’m going to go with a hummus. The consistency on the base of this thing looks soft.
Oh wait… I just caught the mystery *MEAT* angle. I don’t know then… pork? Chicken? It ain’t beef.
Why do I think it’s granola bars or something? Umm… that or corn flake/oat bran crusted chicken… hahahaha
I’m not going to say what I think it looks like…
apple crisp
spiced turkey… is that skin I see underneath the spices? FYI it looks like peanut brittle