by Liza
Liza’s Tips to Eating #3: It Tastes Like a Rainbow
After a ridiculous night out on U Street a couple of months ago when BS came to visit DC, I not only thought it was a good idea to break out the video camera, but I also decided to introduce BS and Vi to an awesomely amazing snack staple of mine that I usually keep very secret: The Oscar Myer Microwavable CHEESE FILLED HOTDOG .
Now, I know what you’re thinking – how does such an awesome thing exist, and more importantly, HOW do I eat this, Liza? Never fear, here are my simple instructions, in video form:
[youtube hPUHGqSwVaI]
Previous Tips:
Roast Beef Sandwich
String Cheese
loving the endless simmer theme song!
Whoa, brendan, that’s disgusting! Laying on the kitchen floor of the monroe house? What’s wrong with you?
i love the video instructions! And your descriptions are so authentic–i fully believe that that was really good and tasted like an endless simmer rainbow.
and seriously B–even Dasa has more self respect that to lay on that floor.
Whenyou move downstairs, Liza moves, am I gonna be consistently subjected to the noxious smell of The Oscar Myer Microwavable CHEESE FILLED HOTDOG, or is this only an occasional indulgence? 😉