ES Hits It Out of the Park
Most of you are already aware of Endless Simmer’s ongoing plan to take over the blogosphere, mainstream media, America, and the world. Another major step in that goal took place today, as our post on America’s Real Best Ballpark Food landed us a profile in a little publication called USA Today. Check it out of Page 3 of today’s sports section, or on USAToday.com
The ballpark post has been burning up the sports blogosphere, so welcome to all our new jock-y readers. Don’t miss our piece on the top ten collegiate athletic programs, as ranked by drunk food, and our entire sports section is here.
Don’t forget to cast your votes on the best ballpark food. Well over 800 of you have chimed in so far, and the Mets sandwich is still leading, but the Nationals’ half-smoke and Baltimore’s Boog’s BBQ are both making strong moves and are currently tied for second.
Congrats on the coverage guys.