Who Cooked It Better? Washington Post vs. Today Show

Miranda ruled the roost in last week’s SatC-themed Who Cooked It Better, taking home a winning 36 percent of the vote for her pomatini. We promise not to mention this over-saturated media event any further, and this week have returned to a much manlier theme.

As pre-summertime kicks into full gear, everyone is taking it to the grills, so we weren’t surprised to see two of our favorite MSM food sources cover the same topic this week: grilled pizza. As an added bonus, both of ’em went interactive, offering up a video and slideshow, so we couldn’t resist giving this to you as a Who Cooked It Better?



Over at WaPo, Tony Rosenfeld put together this handy slide show, with audio instructions on how to grill that perfect pie. Tony gives a great explanation about how to make a perfectly crispy dough that won’t fall apart on the grill (hint: restraint with the toppings, while difficult, is crucial). He tops it up with crumbled fontina, chicken, asparagus and red peppers over a pesto base. Certainly a little healthier than us NYCers are used to seeing our pizza come out, but hey, this is grilling, so it’s a whole new ballgame.

Over on NBC’s Today Show, Elizabeth Karmel brings us the below video, which really is worth a watch.

Elizabeth starts out in the minus zone with her decision to use a gas(p!) grill and suggestion to cheat your way through the crust process, because “grilling the dough makes all dough taste great.” She quickly wins me back with her polenta and olive oil base, and then it gets interesting. Elizabeth tops her pizza “whimsically,” and this is not an understatement. Among her suggested combinations: ‘cheeseburger pizza’ with ground beef and american cheese, a dessert pizza with ricotta and berries, even a cream cheese, lox and chives pizza. Holy crap!

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  • Maidelitala June 3, 2008  

    “We promise not to mention this over-saturated media event any further, and this week have returned to a much manlier theme.”
    oh come on! I’m expecting a review of the movie by Gansie and a review of the yummy aperitifs and eats at the post-movie dish session to be posted within the week. Fuck manly themes (and I’m not sure grilled pizza qualifies as a ‘manly’ theme btw).

  • BS June 3, 2008  

    I admit, that was not a very firm promise. And for the record, anything cooked on a grill is inherently manly. Ok, maybe not ricotta and raspberry pizza

  • MissGinsu June 3, 2008  

    Gonna go with the WaPo on this one. That crust looks hella better…

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