Hott Links: Pass the, er, Matzah
By now, you’ve totally heard us *kvetch* that we’re waiting for the day when ES makes it BIG. And when that happens, you’ll surely get recipes that you can use ahead of time, instead of hearing about them after the fact.
Example: I’m going home for Passover this weekend. Not really sure what I’m going to make yet, so unfortunately, I can’t give you great, original ES dishes to try at your family seder. But I will be able to report back, and hopefully give you some inspiration on what kosher food to make for the following days.
So far though, my mom has requested twice-baked potatoes, and I’m thinking I’ll spike mine, SAG’s and DAD GANSIE’s with some wasabi powder. (My mom is the plainest eater in the world, no wasabi for her. Actually, I say she has a “delicate pallet” because that’s the nicest way I can think of to say she won’t eat shit.) I’ve also requested steak for dinner, because it’ll only be the four of us for the first night.
When my aunt’s family comes over for the second seder, we’ll see what group-style meal we come up with – probably turkey or brisket. DAD GANSIE’s a huge proponent of the bird year round. I’ve been asking him to post his turkey soup for a long time now (hint, hint).
Oh, and clearly we’re making matzah ball soup.
Here, though, are some interesting kosher-for-passover recipes:
Fruited Quinoa Salad [Atlanta Journal-Constitution] (via 80P’s Mom)
Matzoh Lasagna [A Mighty Appetite]
Mediterranean Fish Cakes [Culinate, Zena Chew Collection]
And please, totally send me your Passover suggestions
Photo: Charleston Heston as Moses
Gansie, your mother is a Grey. My father-in-law is the exact same way, he won’t eat anything with any colors. Chicken and beef, corn, iceberg lettuce, and vanilla ice cream. Absolutely no other vegetables, few fruits, and nothing exotic. They;re an odd clan, the Greys, but heck: More wasabi for the rest of us!