Bourdain Meats His Match?


Wow. I have to admit this comes as somewhat of a shock. Your Eater of the Year and Tastiest Man-Chef, Anthony Bourdain, is currently getting his ass grilled by a bunch of vegans.

In our second Who Cooked It Better? contest, Bourdian is losing to Hezbollah Tofu by 70 percent to 30 percent. It’s not over yet, but unless Bourdain can pull a Hillary and change up the rules in the middle of the game, that margin is gonna be awfully hard to overcome.

Voting continues through Monday at Midnight.

Check out the original post here

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One comment

  • Coonass foodie July 8, 2008  

    Wow you people are absolutely nuts french onion with know meat stock or cheese you all must have it out for bourdain because I have no interest at all in that vegan abomination.

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