ES Wants to Get In Your Box
The Internet is fun and all, but it can be so difficult, right? I mean, all that clicking and typing and backslashing – it’s like having a second job!
We here at Endless Simmer recognize that you don’t have all day for us, and that’s why we’re very pleased to announce The Weekly Simmer – the very best of Endless Simmer, delivered direct to your email inbox, once a week.
Of course, most of you loyal fans will still check Endless Simmer 5 to 6 times a day for updates, but for those of you who tend to (gasp!) forget about us from time to time, we will handpick the best of ES for you once a week. Just pop your email address into that little box below and you’re on your way (you will also have to respond to a confirmation message).
Now – here’s the really exciting news. Because we’re so excited about The Weekly Simmer, we’re offering a FREE $25 gift certificate to the Outback Steakhouse to the 50th person who subscribes to the Weekly Simmer – so don’t be shy!
Oh, and of course we won’t spam you or sell your email addresses or any crap like that. What kind of people do you think we are, anyway?
don’t worry, dadgansie, i’ve set you up for the emails. now you just have to confirm it.
I wouldn’t even know where to sell emails if I tried.
outback?!?!? that’s a joke, right?
Am I automatically on this or do I need to sign up?
aaahhh. actually, brian — out of fucking no where this PR person emailed me asking if ES wanted the gift certificate. i mean, who am i to deny an ES fan of the bloomin onion.
Brit – we haven’t put anyone automatically on it – so please sign up – thanks!
Already done, I was being strategic in my timing hoping to score that gift certificate.
I was about to say, wtf, Outback? But, okay, free (which explains why you said “free” $25 gc), I can get behind that.
ah, yes – it’s WORTH $25 – the FREE part is how much you have to pay